밀알나눔재단 기빙플러스 

마스코트 북극곰 캐릭터 디자인

Designing the GivingPlus mascot polar bear for the Wheat Grain Sharing Foundation

북극곰 ‘코비’는 밀알나눔재단에서 운영하는 친환경 생활용품 매장 기빙플러스의 마스코트 입니다. 기빙플러스 스토어는 단지 유행 시즌이 지나 판매되지 않은 이유로 소각되거나 폐기되어야 하는 문제없는 재고 상품들을 기업들로부터 기부받아 일자리를 얻기 어려운 취업 취약계층의 직원들을 우선 고용하여 운영하는 상생하는 매장입니다.

COBE, the polar bear, is the mascot of Giving Plus, an eco-friendly store that sells household goods. The store is operated by the Wheat Grain Sharing Foundation, and it

aims to benefit both the community and the environment. Giving Plus focuses on employing individuals facing unemployment, as well as underprivileged people who

struggle to find work. They achieve this by donating unsold inventory from companies that would otherwise dispose of or incinerate the products at the end of the fashion season.



Creative direction

Cholong Park

Character Design

Jueun Choi, Dahee Kwak, Jisoo Jung

Longing studio

116, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Copyright ⓒ 2024 longing All rights reserved.

밀알나눔재단 기빙플러스 마스코트 북극곰 캐릭터 디자인

Designing the GivingPlus mascot polar bear for the Wheat Grain Sharing Foundation

북극곰 ‘코비’는 밀알나눔재단에서 운영하는 친환경 생활용품 매장 기빙플러스의 마스코트 입니다. 기빙플러스 스토어는 단지 유행 시즌이 지나 판매되지 않은 이유로 소각되거나 폐기되어야 하는 문제없는 재고 상품들을 기업들로부터 기부받아 일자리를 얻기 어려운 취업 취약계층의 직원들을 우선 고용하여 운영하는 상생하는 매장입니다.

COBE, the polar bear, is the mascot of Giving Plus, an eco-friendly store that sells household goods. The store is operated by the Wheat Grain Sharing Foundation, and it aims to benefit both the community and the environment. Giving Plus focuses on employing individuals facing unemployment, as well as underprivileged people who struggle to find work. They achieve this by donating unsold inventory from companies that would otherwise dispose of or incinerate the products at the end of the fashion season.



Creative direction 

Cholong Park 

Character Design

Jueun Choi, Dahee Kwak, Jisoo Jung

Longing studio ⎜ 116, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Copyright ⓒ 2024 longing All rights reserved.